Month-wise Machine Learning and AI Conference deadlines in 2022

Publishing a research paper is a crucial part of research in academia. Based on the subject or research domain and the nature of an article, we aim to publish our findings at a conference or a journal like ACM or IEEE Transactions (journal home example link).

Thus, knowing the important conference deadlines in your research area of interest is important.

Month-wise Conferences deadlines

This will mostly cover the conferences in the domain of :

NLP (Natural Language Processing), AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning), DL(Deep Learning), IR(Information Retrieval)

I will cover International conferences and National conferences in India month-wise. I will try to cover different metrics or categories of conference venues in a later article.

Another growing set of data challenges or competitions is hosted as part of a workshop or even by international conferences like ACL and EMNLP. I have covered them in detail, covering diverse domains like online social media, acoustics, and health in a separate article.

International (links are available on WikiCFP)


February: KDD, ACM Web Science

ACL – ACL has shifted to a rolling review format with a cycle of six weeks for submission. For the year 2022, the dates are 1/15, 3/1, 4/15, 6/1, 7/15, 9/1 (September 1), 10/15, 12/1

April: ASONAM, CSCW, SocInfo, ACM HyperText

May: RecSys, CIKM, CoNLL, NeurIPS, EMNLP


July: CSoNet

August: WSDM, FAT* (now called FAccT)

September: AAAI, ICWSM 2nd call

October: ECIR, PAKDD, WebConf (previously called WWW)


December: NAACL-HLT


If you wish to get updates regarding national conferences in this domain, do check it once a month, and I may have updated it.


January: CODS-COMAD – I attended the 2020 conference in person, published the notes covering different tutorials and keynote talks, and selected conference paper presentations in another article.

December: Big Data Analytics (BDA) conference, International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

For receiving updates about upcoming conference deadlines

  1. List of conferences in the field of Machine Learning, NLP, Speech/Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, and Data Mining
  2. On Twitter, follow @_ConferenceList to get regular updates about upcoming conferences. They also have Twitter Lists covering specific domains.
  3. The CORE ranking is a standard metric for understanding the quality of a given Computer Science conference.
  4. To know the most upcoming conference deadlines, please follow @_ConferenceList on Twitter.

Please review the additional references I provided at this article’s end to know more.

Related articles that may be of interest to you

It is a good idea to scope the conference venue where you wish to submit. I have written an article on “how to follow a top-tier conference,” which may be a good starting point.

In another article, I summarized the keynote talks, a few tutorials, and paper presentations of the CODS-COMAD 2020 conference, which I attended in person in Bangalore, India, in January 2020.

If you are new to writing papers using Latex for academic conferences, you can visit the following articles:

  1. I cover how to setup up a Tex environment in your local machine (article link)
  2. Conference or journal paper template – individual files and how to use them (article link)
  3. How to correctly write references or perform cross-referencing while writing your paper (article link)

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