Exploratory Analysis using R

This is a good post on making visualisations with pandas data frame in Python. It covers uni-variate plots like histograms, line plots, density plots and multivariate plots like correlation plot matrix and scatter-plot matrix.

Before diving into feature engineering and data cleaning, it is a good idea to have a good understanding of the data.

  1. Does it contain empty fields or missing values
  2. Are the values meaningful or feasible, like age of a person being negative or something like 99999
  3. Does it contain significant number of outliers and do they follow any pattern

We will cover how to deal with incomplete rows, missing values, outliers and similar preprocessing tasks in a future post.

You will need for the following R packages :

  1. ggplot2 – For beautiful plots and histograms
  2. igraph – For working with graphs(set of nodes and set of edges) and also for visualizing it. It will be preliminary, so for detailed view, use Gephi. It is available for free.

I recommend you to go through this post for in-depth analysis.

In R, commands like str and summary help us achieve it.

Here, we use the Dress Attribute Sales dataset from UCI ML

str – Gives the schema of the data set, i.e, features, its levels(if categorical) and its data type

dress_data = = read.csv(file = "~/Downloads/Attribute DataSet.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
'data.frame': 500 obs. of 14 variables:
$ Dress_ID : int 1006032852 1212192089 1190380701 966005983 876339541 1068332458 1220707172 1219677488 1113094204 985292672 ...
$ Style : chr "Sexy" "Casual" "vintage" "Brief" ...
$ Price : chr "Low" "Low" "High" "Average" ...
$ Rating : num 4.6 0 0 4.6 4.5 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ Size : chr "M" "L" "L" "L" ...
$ Season : chr "Summer" "Summer" "Automn" "Spring" ...
$ NeckLine : chr "o-neck" "o-neck" "o-neck" "o-neck" ...
$ SleeveLength : chr "sleevless" "Petal" "full" "full" ...
$ waiseline : chr "empire" "natural" "natural" "natural" ...
$ Material : chr "null" "microfiber" "polyster" "silk" ...
$ FabricType : chr "chiffon" "null" "null" "chiffon" ...
$ Decoration : chr "ruffles" "ruffles" "null" "embroidary" ...
$ Pattern.Type : chr "animal" "animal" "print" "print" ...
$ Recommendation: int 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...

summary – Aggregate information of each column of the dataset, containing detals like mean, median, 1st and 3rd quartile, number of NA’s

Dress_ID Style Price Rating Size Season
Min. :4.443e+08 Length:500 Length:500 Min. :0.000 Length:500 Length:500
1st Qu.:7.673e+08 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:3.700 Class :character Class :character
Median :9.083e+08 Mode :character Mode :character Median :4.600 Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :9.055e+08 Mean :3.529
3rd Qu.:1.040e+09 3rd Qu.:4.800
Max. :1.254e+09 Max. :5.000
NeckLine SleeveLength waiseline Material FabricType Decoration
Length:500 Length:500 Length:500 Length:500 Length:500 Length:500
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character

Pattern.Type Recommendation
Length:500 Min. :0.00
Class :character 1st Qu.:0.00
Mode :character Median :0.00
Mean :0.42
3rd Qu.:1.00
Max. :1.00

We can also construct visualisations of our data using line plots, scatter plots and histogram in R.



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